Frequently Asked Questions

  • Everyone's experience with counseling is different and there is no formula to figure out how long counseling will take. The honest answer is it depends. First of all, it’s so important for the client to feel like the counselor is the best fit for them and can help them with their struggle. It is the counseling relationship that drives change for the client. Once this relationship is established and feels safe then the work really starts to take off. I recommend weekly counseling sessions if possible because this builds momentum towards change. When there is too much time inbetween sessions it can

  • Unfortunately, receiving counseling and other mental health services in our society has a negative stigma attached to it. I do think this is getting better, but we have a long way to go. This is really discouraging because we are all human and get stuck or need help at various points in our life. Physically, we will go to the doctor when sick and it should be the same for counseling when we are stuck, overwhelmed, exhausted or just struggling with life. Embodyh strives to be a place where counseling is provided to anyone and everyone who is wanting some extra support or working through whatever is going on in their life. If you are unsure if counseling is for you give us a call or send us an email and we can answer and questions and help guide you in the reight direction.

  • In the first session, we will go over the paperwork and any questions you have on the counselor disclosure statement, HIPPA statement, or client forms. You will have the opportunity to ask any other questions about the counseling process. The first session is like a snapshot of your life. I am looking to hear about what is bringing you to counseling, what you are hoping to accomplish when it is all over and then hear your story and get some background information. The first few sessions are information gathering and storytelling. Then we can create a plan together to find understanding, healing, and new strategies to overcome the difficulties you are experiencing.

  • To put it simply Encounter Counseling does not take insurance because your growth is the most important thing to us! There are many clinicians and counseling centers who choose not to take insurance for a variety of reasons.

    Here are a few:

    1. Insurance requires a diagnosis. In order for the client’s insurance to be accepted the clinician must provide a diagnosis. First and foremost people are not their diagnosis and sometimes because of the stigmatization of diagnosis it can feel this way. A medical model from which diagnosis comes can miss the whole person which is so important in counseling.

    2. Insurance has the right to request confidential records. This can be really difficult for both the clinician and the client. The foundation of the therapeutic process is confidentiality and a counselor does everything in their power to keep their client’s information confidential. Because the insurance company is paying for the client’s therapy they have the right to request records and determine if they will continue to pay for a client’s therapy. Therefore, insurance limits your freedom and autonomy as a client.

    3. Insurance takes up a lot of time of which the clinician is not compensated for. This time that insurance takes up could be used first and foremost for continued education and session preparation.

    4. Counseling requires growth and sacrifice in all areas of life. When we go to counseling we are acknowledging something in our life isn’t going quite right and we make a commitment to work on it. Money and effort frequently go together. When we pay out of pocket for counseling it’s time to get down to business and put the work in because it is a sacrifice financially to be there so naturally, we want to make the most of our time. When we financially INVEST in something it creates grit and a desire to make change happen so we put the work in.

    5. The therapist matters. Insurance requires more time which often leads to more frustration, which leads to burnout and potentially lower quality of care. It is good for everyone providing a product or service to be paid what they are worth. Lastly, the therapist likely has years and hours of experience sitting with people struggling with the same thing you are, which means they can likely help you with whatever it is you are struggling with.

    If you want to use your insurance for counseling be sure to call and see if your insurance would cover an “out of network” provider where the therapist can provide you with a “superbill” you can submit for partial or full reimbursement.

  • The therapeutic relationship is the most important aspect of the counseling process. Finding a counselor you connect with is going to be the most helpful piece in your counseling experience. Counselors develop specialties and receive training in specific areas of struggle. Over the years I’ve developed several specialties based on experience, training, and special interest. Some of these specalties include: disordered eating, intuitive eating, body image, EMDR, couples counseling, counseling for professionals, financial therapy & more.

    Just like you wouldn’t go to a heart doctor for your back problems it’s important to find a therapist who has received specialized training with the specific struggle you are experiencing. Counseling is a mental, emotional, physical, and monetary investment in your present life and future self. Take the time to find someone who is going to be the right fit for you.

    You might be a good fit at Encounter if you are:

    • Struggling with disordered eating, binge eating, chronic dieting, food restriction, and other food-related issues.

    • Want to learn how to implement intuitive eating to help with disordered eating and/or body image.

    • Looking for an LGBTQ+ affirming therapist and struggling with coming out, family, trauma, relationships, gender identity, sexual identity, faith & Christianity.

    • A professional in high-stress or demanding job trying to find work/life balance, work through imposter syndrome, family issues, trauma and more!

    • Are experiencing Depression, Anxiety, Trauma and looking EMDR

    • A couple looking to learn how to communicate, resolve conflict and connect more deeply.

      If you are struggling with substance addiction or a severe and medically unstable eating disorder please check out Psychology Today to find a counselor who specializes in specifically what you are looking for.

  • Encounter Counseling offers Teletherapy counseling statewide in Colorado including Denver, Fort Collins, Boulder and Colorado Springs and Grand Junction.

    One positive that came out of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the rise and convenience of teletherapy. Teletherapy makes it possible for you to see a therapist wherever you are located and eliminates many of the barriers to receiving treatment. Studies show teletherapy has the same beneficial outcomes as face-to-face therapy. Even techniques like EMDR are successful with teletherapy.

    Teletherapy also has the ability to remove potential barriers preventing individuals from seeking care.

    Some of the benefits of teletherapy include:

    • Easier access to therapy services if you live in a rural area or otherwise cannot easily make it to a specific location.

    • Scheduling flexibility–eliminates drive time and allows access to therapy if your time is limited.

    • It is secure and confidential.

    • Allows you to see a specialist. We specialize in intuitive eating, binge eating disorder, body image and weight struggles.

    • It minimizes the risk of COVID-19 or other illnesses.

    • Sometimes it is easier to seek help using an online medium versus in person. The stigma against mental health can make it difficult for individuals to seek help. Telehealth allows clients to warm up to the therapy process in the comfort of their own homes.

    Here are a few tips on how to find success in your teletherapy experience:

    1. Prepare for the therapy session like you would if you were to go in person.

    2. Sit in a comfortable place with good lighting where you can prop up or phone, tablet, or device and be hands-free.

    3. Find a private and secure place in your home especially if you have other family members home at the time of your session.

    4. Test your internet connection to make sure it will be supportive and not lag.

    Encounter Counseling uses a platform called Teletherapy by Simple Practice to provide easy-to-use, HIPPA compliant, and confidential counseling sessions. If you are interested in trying out counseling, teletherapy might be a great fit for you! Whether you live in a rural area in Colorado, are looking for a specialist, or simply want to give counseling a try, we would love to hear from you.


If you would like to schedule a free 15-minute consultation to find out if Encounter Counseling is going to be the best fit for you based on what you are experiencing click below to schedule a consultation or send us an email at